Trick or Treat ? October 30, 2015

Hey Guys wish you all a great weekendand Happy Halloween !
Hope the photo i did isnt´t too scary for you hahahaha :o)

New vid online !! October 30, 2015

You may have noticed there is a new video online with muscle daddy bottom Maximus.
Check it out !!

Thursday October 29, 2015

Wish you all a great Thursday and a huge hardon :o)

Berlin October 28, 2015

I´m in Berlin at the moment and had a great dinner with friends at Zenkichi restaurant

Guten Appetit ! October 27, 2015

Cooking some German food today!
Yes beside fucking i can cook too. Good husband material right? lol

Boy Boys Boys October 26, 2015

Met this twink on weekend and he seemed not totally against the idea of shooting sometime.
unfortunately it was his last day in barcelona but maybe on one of his next trips? Let´s hope !

Post Party Program October 24, 2015

yesterday i had an amazing night with friends at Metro Disco in Barcelona and today just relaxing on the sofa with " La Sirenita " :o)
Wish you all a nice and relaxing weekend.

Friday Night! October 23, 2015

It´s weekend so just had a shower and now ready to party!
What are you guys doing tonight?

Fun Night Out October 22, 2015

Yesterday i went to have a nice dinner with some friends and after we just wanted to have one more drinks at Boys Br in Barcelona. I was home at 5 in the morning and we had definitely more than one drink at the end lol

after gym! October 20, 2015

Just finished gym and thought it´s time for the obligatory elevator photo!